IVS Lab team
Our Intelligent Vision System research lab is principally composed of, to his head, an Associate Professor and a Doctor of Science. they lead and manage a team of Research Programmer, Assistant research, PhD student, and some international interns. Together, we try to improve the computer vision experience and image processing by research and innovation.
Nick Stones-Havas

Georgy Gimel'farb
Website: https://www.cs.auckland.ac.nz/people/g-gimelfarb
Joined on: July 21st, 2014
MSc (1962; Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Ukraine); PhD (1969; Academy of Sciences, Ukraine); DSc.-Eng. (1991, Higher Certifying Commission, USSR).
Professional career: Institute of Cybernetics; Academy of Sciences; Ukraine (1962 – 1997); International Training and Research Centre for Information Technologies and Systems; Academy of Sciences; Ukraine (1997 – 2000); Department of Computer Science, University of Auckland; New Zealand (since 1997).
Main research interests: computational stereo vision; probabilistic image modelling; medical image analysis; multi-band image analysis; low-level image processing; statistical pattern recognition; 3D scene understanding.
Publications [according to Google Scholar – H-index 18]: in total – more than 400 peer-refereed publications in English, Russian, and Ukrainian, including 3 monographs (one in English), two edited books (in English), one textbook (in English; three editions), 62 journal articles (40 in English and 5 translated into English), 68 book sections (27 in English), 255 conference papers (215 in English), and 4 inventions (1 in English).

Minh Nguyen
Website: https://ivs.wordpress.fos.auckland.ac.nz/minhs-webpage/
Joined on: March 2nd, 2014
MSc (2008), PhD (2014) in Computer Science, The University of Auckland. Currently working as a Research Programmer at The University of Auckland.
Recent Posts by Minh Nguyen
- Recent Advances in Online Computational Stereo Vision
- Online Autostereogram Creation using Stereo Vision Technique
- A Fast and Simple Method to Simulate 3D Scene View Navigation, Generated from a Pair of Stereo Images
- SPH: Fluid on Pore Dynamics
- Inferring causality using timelag analysis of BOLD data
- Belief Propagation Based Stereo
- Real-time 3D hand tracking for 3D sculpting application
- Test media post via Media Publishing
- Test media post via Youtube

Joined on: July 15th, 2014
Patrice has been with the Department of Computer Science (The University of Auckland) since 2001 as a lecturer (2001-2005), senior lecturer (2006-2013) and associate professor (2014-). Patrice is the founder and co-director (with professor Georgy Gimel’farb) of the IVS Research group and IVSLab (currently located on 303s.396). Patrice is active in (i) the design of low cost N-D computer vision systems for real-world applications; and (ii) 2D/3D image processing applied to environmental sciences with a view towards trans-disciplinary expert systems. Since 2008, Patrice’s achievements include:
- Over 50 publications including eight journal articles (all in the top 10 of their respective targeted research areas); two articles in the high-rank European Journal of Soil Science and Agricultural Water Management, three book chapters, and conference presentations at top international conferences, such as the top-rank European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), International IEEE Conference on Multimedia and Exhibition (ICME), and Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention Conference (MICCAI).
- Two Best Paper Awards (in 2005), one Best Poster Award (2008), the 3rd ICT Publicity place in 2009, two SPARK 2011 awards (one sponsored by Uniservices), Fellowships in Japan (JSPS UoTokyo), Mexico (UNAM Mexico city, the largest Spanish speaking university in the world) and France (GIT Grenoble, the largest engineering graduate studies school and one of the main research institute in France; LTHE-University Joseph Fourier, the leading French research laboratory focused on the hydrologic cycle and its links with the Earth’s climatic and environmental changes).
- Close to NZ$1,000,000 in research funding since the beginning of career at The University of Auckland in 2001.
These funds were the driving force behind the creation of the Photogrammetry Lab (Tamaki Campus) in 2004, the 3D Vision Lab (City Campus) in 2009 and the IVSLab (since 2011), the vehicle for my applied research developments.