
Semester 1, City Campus:

  • COMPSCI 373: Computer Graphics and Image Processing.
    This course introduces the fundamentals of image processing and computer graphics, which are necessary for the analysis and processing of image data and for the reconstruction, modelling, animation and photo-realistic rendering of 3D. You will learn key computer graphics concepts including graphics primitives, lighting and shading, texture mapping, ray tracing, character animation and curve and surface design. In addition image processing fundamentals are presented such as image definition and representation, perception and colour models, grey level and colour enhancement, neighbourhood operations and filtering. Basic geometric processes for image analysis and scene formation will be discussed including transformations, viewing and projection, and digital geometry.
  • COMPSCI 773: Intelligent Vision Systems.
    This course introduces computational methods and techniques for computer vision, extended towards real-world problems such as 2/3D face biometrics, 2/3D hand tracking, 2/3D hand signs recognition, and vision-guided robotics based on 3D scene description. The students will interact with 3D vision equipments based in the city campus 3D vision lab. A particular feature of the course work is the emphasis on complete system design.

Semester 2, City Campus:

  • COMPSCI 775: Advanced Multimedia Imaging.
    Introduction into computational photography, computer vision, also related developments in AI and 3D visualization: digital imaging (with tutorials on OpenCV), static and dynamic imaging, camera calibration, image sequence analysis, selected computer vision techniques (e.g. optical flow calculation, SIFT feature detection, face and eye detection using AdaBoost, people detection, KLT tracker, binocular stereo analysis, Kalman and particle filter for driver assistance), 3D visualization, and performance evaluation for image sequence analysis.

For other courses, click here.


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